In web2py, you could import MySQLdb and make SQL queries directly, but you 
would lose out on a lot of the time-saving features that web2py offers, such 
as automatic form generation for database tables. Instead, you would 
typically use web2py's DAL (Database Abstraction Layer), which provides a 
higher-level interface to your database. For example, if you have a 
"product" table with fields "name", "price", and "quantity", you might 
define it in web2py's DAL like this:

db = DAL("mysql://user:password@host/mydatabase")

    Field('name', 'string'),
    Field('price', 'double'),
    Field('quantity', 'integer')

(Note that an "id" field is predefined for you if you don't explicitly 
define one)

And then you could do queries like:

product = db.product(123)  # get product 123, or return None if it does not 
print, product.price

# Update an existing product

# Insert a new product
db.product.insert(name="Oranges", price=1.23, quanitty=50)  

If you want to take advantage of these features with an existing mysql 
database, you can use the extract_mysql_models script described above to 
read an existing mysql database and generate the corresponding DAL database 

See chapter 4 of the web2py book for more information about web2py's 
database layer:


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