On Sunday, March 27, 2011 10:18:42 PM UTC-4, Pystar wrote: 
> I have asked this question in the past but did not get an appropriate 
> response. I would like to know how a site like tenthrow.com, which was 
> built with web2py, incorporates third party authentication mechanisms 
> like Twitter, Facebook and Google and local authentication on the 
> site?

Go to 
scroll down to the "Multiple Login Forms" subsection near the end of the 
section. Also, there's this slice: 
http://www.web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/124. Hopefully that will 
get you started.

> If the tenthrow guys are seeing this, I would not mind hint or 
> tips from them. 
> Also I am having issues with links (i.e.built with A, URL helpers and 
> a) in my project. Although I included the blueprint css framework into 
> my project I dont seem to be sure if its the one causing this 
> behaviour: 
> Whenever I create links, its shows the normal link and the the link in 
> parenthesis. like this: 
> http://blahblah.com(/appname/controllername/functionname). 
> I have tried to debug this, but cant seem to get to the root of this. 
> I need hint, tips again

Can you show the code from your controller and/or view where you are 
building and inserting the links?

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