I've volunteered to develop an application a NGO needs.
This organization has volunteers that will go to different places that
have a workstation or laptop without Internet connection. There, they
will fill some forms using the application.
When a laptop is available they'll return home with the laptops and
will connect to Internet.

The NGO needs to have a centralized database. My intention is using
GAE for this. So the laptops must be able to sync with the central
sending the data they have collected and recovering the data other
users have sent.

I've thought of doing exactly the same application, running locally
with sqlite, and syncing with GAE when an Internet connection is
available. I will have to replace the database id fields with uids to
avoid duplication of keys between the volunteers.  I would not like to
reinvent the wheel for the syncronization, and I do think that someone
else have had to deal with the same kind of problem before.

So, what can  you recommend me?
Any advice is very welcome.

José L.

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