The duplicate .table files from what I can tell come from using different 
database connection strings. I haven't looked for the code but I do know if 
I change the database type, user name etc in the DAL() connection string 
parameter it appears to generate a hash code from the string and prefix that 
onto the table name and then .table as the extension. 

If you were to look in your development environment I am guessing one of the 
prefixes in your production set matches and if the production db connection 
string is different I am reasonably sure it will be using the other set of 
.table files. Except for SQLite I have found it only makes sense to preserve 
the database directory across installation instances if you use the exact 
same database connection string in both installations. Then I copy the 
database across using the database specific dump restore. If I get the 
tables already created error because I changed something I drop the 
database, clear out the databases directory, create an empty database, run 
the application up once to create an empty table and relations set and then 
load the data using the import from cvs file method. Now that I know what 
fake_migrate does I might try that next time by just deleting the .table 

My db is small containing configuration data for the application mostly so 
it isn't much of a hardship to toss these around. When the db is large it is 
a totally different matter that requires a lot more effort and time.

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