Hi All,

Let's expand little bit the example of the book. I have Persons and Dogs. A
person can have several Dogs. A Dog can be connected to his owner (Person)
and to the Person that it has bitten to !...

In my view I'd like to show a table with one Person per row. In the first
column I would have the Person name, in the second column the Person dogs
and for each Dog I'd like to show also the Persons that the dog has bitten

Of course I could retrieve the persons in the controller with
db().select(db.person.ALL)  and in the view I could loop it and use other
queries... I don't like to do that as I do not want to break the MVC and I
don't want to do DB queries from the View.... Another option is to build a
new structure in the controller.... or from the view call some helper

what do you guys use in these kind of situations ?


Sebastian E. Ovide

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