I have a task related to the below-referred thread (but with a
different requirement).
I have multiple MySQL tables to be tackled in one form.
The user will make changes to certain fields.
As a result,
table1 might require : insert or update or delete or no operation;
table2 might require : insert or update or delete or no operation;
table3 might require : insert or update or delete or no operation;

I can't predict as to what table will require which operation.
So it's not possible to hardcode the operation like

(In VFP, I am using a class called as CursorAdaptor (a visual DAL tool
out there), which monitors these operations on tables and executes
them to the database).

A similar functionality would be of a great value to me in web2py.

Is there any way to achieve this in web2py?

Thanks in advance for your advice.


On Nov 21 2008, 7:05 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> You have the option of using form=SQLFORM and then form[0].insert(2,TR
> (...)) the rows from the other table.
> It may be easier to create the form using form_factory.
> Massimo
> On Nov 21, 12:34 am, mmstud <mms...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Im thinking to create an insert and update form with fields taken from
> > multiple tables. Person has address, email and phone instances on
> > separate tables, but for simple interaction, they should be present on
> > same form view. What is the best way to solve this kind of situation
> > at the moment, does SQLFORM the job?
> > On update form there would be combobox with input and selectbox
> > combined. Input for new email, address, phone entries and select for
> > possible older entries.
> > -Marko

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