On Jun 8, 2011, at 6:03 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Let me tink about this.
> This has relevant content:
> http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0235/
> Users who have an opinion please share it now. This is important.

What's going on, exactly? My impression is that something is getting lowercased 
that shouldn't be. Is it not within web2py's control?

> On Jun 8, 7:45 pm, Pierre Thibault <pierre.thibau...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2011/6/7 Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>
>>> I am not much of a windows user. I would like to understand what can
>>> go wrong with the solution in trunk?
>>> --
>> Is the solution in the trunk the one proposed by Alessandro:
>> os.environ['PYTHONCASEOK'] = '1'
>> ?
>> Well, this solution is using a global change to fix for what is just
>> probably just one bad line of code. This a good temporary solution but a bad
>> long term solution.
>> This is solution have the following flaws:
>> - This solution may impact a lot of code;
>> - Developers may experience unexpected behavior;
>> - It makes it difficult to integrate web2py code with other code;
>> The last flaw is very nasty. One example is web2py needing a special Python
>> setting and another piece of code needing another setting. So each time
>> execution switches from one source to another, the settings has to be
>> restored properly. This may mean a big patch needs to be applied to make it
>> work. This is the risk I see in this solution.
>> And this problem is more probably related to a case insensitive file system
>> than Windows itself. It may be only related to the file system type.
>> This is why I suggested a ticket for a better fix later.
>> A+
>> -------------
>> Pierre
>> My blog and profile
>> (http://pierrethibault.posterous.com)<http://pierrethibault.posterous.com>
>> YouTube page 
>> (http://www.youtube.com/user/tubetib)<http://www.youtube.com/user/tubetib>
>> Twitter (http://twitter.com/pierreth2) <http://twitter.com/pierreth2>

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