On Thursday, June 9, 2011 10:40:19 AM UTC-4, cjrh wrote: 
> On Thursday, 9 June 2011 16:22:10 UTC+2, Anthony wrote: 
>> importer still appears to work. So, as far as I can tell, the importer 
>> works, even without the fix in trunk, though maybe I have misunderstood the 
>> problem.
> Yes, it is confusing.  The case-insensitivity works only until a name is 
> repeated in the import chain.  When that occurs, it fails.
Do you have an app to reproduce the problem? I created an app named 
"Castalia" (note the capitalization) with a module 
/modules/selfgroup/castalia/config.py, which I think is the same structure 
and naming as Alessandro's app. In a controller action, I then did:
from selfgroup.castalia import config
and it seems to work fine, though I believe Alessandro was getting an import 
error at that point. But maybe I'm missing something.

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