2011/6/11 Alessandro Iob <alessandro....@gmail.com>

> Hi Pierre,
> I'll send a test application to Anthony this weekend.
> I've experienced the same problem under OS X (with a case-insensitive file
> system) when I've changed the case from "Castalia" to "castalia":
> web2py tried to include the controllers from old "Castalia" path and not
> from the new lowercase version. Obviously I've closed and restarted web2py
> before changing the application name. I think OS X has a filename cache of
> some kind.
> Alessandro

OK, cool! I'll be the reference for questions on the code. If needed, you
may write directly to my personal mail box. I don't follow everything on the
web2py mailing list because there is too many messages so I may sometimes
miss something.


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