In the View,
1) After the submit button, you have {{=
I wonder how it did not give a syntax error.
Remove it.

2) You have {{=display_string}} after FORM end tag.
Change it to {{=display_msg}}

Like this, it worked correctly on my PC.

On Jun 10, 6:23 pm, anil manikyam <> wrote:
> def login():
>     if db((db.table1.username)== request.vars.visitor_name).select():
>         redirect(URL('index'))
>     else:
>         msg='invalid syntax'
>     return dict(display_msg=msg)
> <form>
>   <input name="visitor_name" />
>   <input type="submit" />
>   {{=
> </form>
> {{=display_string}}
> i tried it but when this display_string used in form it printed before the
> enter the submit button  plz send the code for this

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