Hi Luis,

Copy the code from here:

and let me know if it works


2011/6/12 Luis Goncalves <lgoncal...@gmail.com>:
> I've been trying to use OAuth2.0 and the facebook module to allow a user to
> login to my site, and then use the facebook API to obtain info about them
> via GraphAPI.
> The web2py manual (8.1.6, subsection "OAuth2.0 and facebook") describes two
> methods, the first to "login to your own app", the second to "a specific
> [user's] Facebook to access its API".
> I think the second one is what I want. I followed the example:
> from facebook import GraphAPI
> ...
> class FacebookAccount(OAuthAccount):
> ...
> auth.settings.login_form =  FacebookAccount(globals())
> But when I try it out, I get the error message from facebook:
> {
>    "error": {
>       "type": "OAuthException",
>       "message": "Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the
> Application configuration."
>    }
> }
> I noticed that the redirect URL that is shown in the browser seems not to be
> that of the website running my web2py app (it has it's own domain name), but
> rather the IP address of my local connection at home (emphasized with bold
> and large font in the URL string below):
> https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2F69.234.184.92%2Fsandbox_luis%2Fdefault%2Fuser%2Flogin%3F_next%3D%252Fsandbox_luis%252Fdefault%252Findex&response_type=code&client_id=219317251425055
> What have I done wrong, or what else do I need to do?
> (I have registered the app on facebook, and defined the site URL and site
> domain there.)
> Thanks,
> Luis.

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