True about plugin_wiki, but not everyone uses it. I know I don't, just 
because I am mostly developing internal enterprise applications that do CRUD 
operations on a database. Also, there are other plugins that require jQuery 
UI, so having those plugins include their own version of it is a bad idea, 
unless you make plugin_wiki a dependency of every plugin that needs jQuery 
UI. That was my main motivation for wanting it in the core, was that plugins 
don't need their own installation of it and you don't have to deal with 
multiple themes and things like that.

After thinking about this a bit more, maybe it would a good idea to move 
jQuery UI from plugin_wiki to its own plugin. That way it doesn't add bloat 
to applications that don't need it. You install the plugin_ui or whatever 
you want to call it, then other plugins or applications that want to use 
jQuery UI can just make plugin_ui a requirement without having to pull in 
the entire functionality of plugin_wiki.

Would this be a better solution?

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