On Saturday, 2 July 2011 16:57:11 UTC+2, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Jul 2, 2011, at 7:41 AM, Anthony wrote:
> > On Saturday, July 2, 2011 6:22:15 AM UTC-4, cjrh wrote:
> So, extension=None is saying that we're going to stick with the same 
> extension as the current request, and if it happens to be 'html', we'll 
> preserve that as well, but leave it implicit.
> extension=False (or anything that evaluates to False) is saying explicitly: 
> no extension at all.

Wouldn't it be a lot better if the default argument was "extension='.html'"? 
 I don't see why None should mean "use .html", when a default arg of ".html" 
could do the job even better.  I should think that None and False should be 
synonymous in this case, and IMO None is better than False.

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