(In reply to both JL and AB)

 The point regarding backwards compatibility is well-taken, I wouldn't want 
to mess with that at all.  However, cognitive dissonance in code is a 
particular bugbear of mine.  I am especially nervous (in general) of 
situations where one thing is used to *sematically* represent a different 
kind of thing.  "=None" and "=False" behaving differently in this case makes 
me uncomfortable.  Imagine that the argument was called something like 
"extension_override" and then you should be able to see my concern more 
clearly.   Still, it isn't a big deal.  I can live with the current 
behaviour.  As JL says, "=None" is almost idiomatic in Python to represent 
"default" behaviour, not necessarily the value "None".  Perhaps my gripe is 
with the idiom rather than web2py specifically.

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