The code running this is in gluon/
>From your stack trace you are using hard cron which is a class at line 44. 
It runs launch once a minute
This runs crondance which puts a wrapper on the tasks that should be run 
adding web2py run line parameters if * or ** is at the beginning of the 
command. The crondance function then uses class cronlauncher which in turn 
uses subprocess.Popen to launch the task.

If you have web2py like processes building up do these processes have other 
processes with the web2py process pid listed as the parent process. You 
should be able to do a ps -ef pick the pid of one of the web2py processes 
and run another ps -ef with grep pid to filter. The process started with the 
Popen will have to close the pipe usually by exiting to release the thread 
from cronlauncher.

Do these cron tasks run okay if you just launch them from the shell. That is 
a good test to determine that there are no problems outside the cron 

Do you use a SQLite database? This database performs a global lock to 
protect from multiple access.

Do the cron tasks take more than their scheduling interval to complete. The 
launcher will run another copy without regard for an existing copy still 

Do any of the tasks have locking code such as a file lock that other tasks 
depend on gaining access to. Two file locks shared by two processes with 
crossed access, one process locks a then b, other locks b then a will 
deadlock if the timing is right.

Do any tasks read stdin, the subprocess.Popen call opens the stdin of the 
process to the launcher but will never write to it so a read on stdin would 
hang preventing exit.

I hope this is some help, looks like a difficult one to find but likely 
something fairly simple to fix once you find it.

Could you post your crontab file, it would be a start of something to look 

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