
*Can I interact with my application using a web-browser when I use the 
standard console ? ** ** **
Yes, though they'll be running in separate Python processes. The browser 
will be sending regular http requests to your app via the Rocket server, and 
the console will simply give you a Python command line in which you can 
execute commands in the same context in which your app runs its controller 
functions (i.e., the console context will include all the web2py globals as 
well as objects defined in your models and, optionally, a controller that 
you specify). It should be the same in the web shell.** *

The exact solution is described above:
(a) - run the app via Rocket server as usually
(b) - then use the console in same context of the app using :
@echo off
set /P app="Enter app/controller to run (controller optional): "
cd c:\path\to\web2py
python -S %app% -M -N
 as you suggested before (... previously I missed point (a)). 

Just discovered and tested, full understanded now, 
Thank you very much, 
- Valter

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