I have used two approaches, the old one that you can find here:

and the new way using a plugin: http://labs.blouweb.com/powerformwizard

With the first you can have more custom options and can use forms for
different tables, with the former you can have client side validation.

2011/7/13 Kenneth Lundström <kenneth.t.lundst...@gmail.com>

>  I think this is what you are looking for:
> http://labs.blouweb.com/powerformwizard<http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://labs.blouweb.com/powerformwizard>
> Kenneth
>  Hello,
> I have series of forms with in final validation. I would like that the
> user could go forward and backward between forms. Quite classical.
> I use SQLFORM.factory which I think is right equilibrium for the application.
> I would like to have in the forms one button forward and one button
> backward.  The user could have made some modification in the displayed
> form, he would not understand why his modifications are lost.
> In SQLFORM.factory there is only one "submit_button". I have try to
> change the string to a list or better a dictionnary but the result is
> not what I expected :-(
> I am suprised that I did not found any topic about this in web2py
> discussion. Perhaps I miss something.
> Is there a way to implement multiple submit button in SQLFORM in web2py ?
> I know a workarround is to add radio-buttons or check boxes , but I
> admit it is not smart for the final user.
> Thank in advance for your response.


Bruno Rocha
[ About me: http://zerp.ly/rochacbruno ]
[ Aprenda a programar: http://CursoDePython.com.br ]
[ O seu aliado nos cuidados com os animais: http://AnimalSystem.com.br ]
[ Consultoria em desenvolvimento web: http://www.blouweb.com ]

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