Solved :-)

I respond to myself :-) I was looking in the wrong direction :-(

Thank for the previous reponses, but in my case they doesn't fit since I
construct a graph instead of a list.

The solution template that works for me  :

In the controler :

def widget_submit_button(field,value):
    # widget for additional form button
    item = INPUT(_type='submit', _name=field, _value=value, value=value)
    return (SPAN(item))


def form_1():
  form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('btn_back', 'string', default=T('< Back'),
widget=widget_submit_button), submit_button=T('Next >'))

  if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
        if request.vars.has_key('no_table.'+'btn_back'):

    return dict(form=form)


in the view I use :

Patrick Installé (

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