I'm experimenting with using legacy tables, and I've created a test
table in MS SQL, inserted some rows(through SQLServer Studio), and I
can now see the rows in a very simple View.

I have tried to Insert rows into this table through the Models
database administration screen, as well as using the Controllers
shell.   db.web2pytest_leg.insert(LoadName='blah', DestinationName =
'blah2', Description = 'blahblah')

This doesn't come back with any errors but doesn't insert anything
either.  There is no feedback on the shell that it did anything.
Another point, which may be a related symptom, is that when I then run
"print db._lastsql"   I just get the command echoed back to me and no
sql.  There are no errors in the log.

my db.py file includes:

                Field('LoadName', 'string'),
                Field('DestinationName', 'string'),
                Field('Description', 'string'),
I've also tried running with fake_migrate=True for a while too.

Any ideas please.   I've browsed through the forum for a while but I
can't see this issue.   Thanks.

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