I had trouble logging in but was finally successful by granting an existing 
auth_user superuser membership. I ran into the same "password must be 6 
chars" error.

One thing I noticed is that it did not seem to pick up my auth_user table (I 
don't see it listed in the right side nav). I am using a custom auth_user 

Then was not able to access any table records with this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/pbreit/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 192, in restricted
    exec ccode in environment
line 65, in <module>
    if request.vars.get('sort_reverse') == 'false':
  File "/Users/pbreit/web2py/gluon/html.py", line 287, in URL
    args, other, scheme, host, port)
  File "/Users/pbreit/web2py/gluon/rewrite.py", line 112, in url_out
    acf = map_url_out(request, env, application, controller, function, args, 
other, scheme, host, port)
  File "/Users/pbreit/web2py/gluon/rewrite.py", line 1177, in map_url_out
    return map.acf()
  File "/Users/pbreit/web2py/gluon/rewrite.py", line 1115, in acf
    self.omit_acf()         # try to omit a/c/f
  File "/Users/pbreit/web2py/gluon/rewrite.py", line 1067, in omit_acf
    if self.args[0] in self.functions or self.args[0] in self.controllers or 
self.args[0] in self.applications:
TypeError: unhashable type: 'Table'

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