I read that in the documentation, but it was JUST ambiguous enough
that I thought it might work for my uses. I can't imagine a time when
I would want to limit it in the URL helper without also limiting the
incoming URLs. It seems like an also-intended functionality. =)

If it isn't, it would be great to have a different flag we could use
in the domain router to do what I'm intending here. I can't be the
only person who would find it useful, haha. It would just map domain -
> app, always leave out the app name in the URL, and not allow access
to other apps.

And unfortunately I'm using wsgi, and I have no idea how I would go
about setting up your separate application directory idea. If anybody
DOES know, I'm all ears. =)

On Aug 17, 10:46 pm, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On Aug 17, 2011, at 4:29 PM, vapirix wrote:
> > That would be truly excellent.
> > It would change the way I do a lot of stuff. Right now I am forced to
> > use php for a lot of small little apps that I don't want to surrender
> > an entire web2py install for. =D
> The problem is that exclusive_domain is enforced for URL(), but not for 
> incoming requests. That's actually how it's documented:
> > #  exclusive_domain: If True (default is False), an exception is raised if 
> > an attempt is made to generate
> > #                    an outgoing URL with a different application without 
> > providing an explicit host.
> It's easy to extend to incoming apps, but I'd like to be sure of the rule 
> that gets enforced. I think the rule should be: if exclusive_domain is True 
> for a given app (either because it's set True in the base router or in an 
> app-specific router), then that app will only recognized if the incoming 
> domain (and possibly port) matches one mapped to that app in the domains 
> dictionary. If it doesn't match, we'd raise a 400 invalid request/invalid 
> application error.
> BTW, you can share a web2py installation across completely separate app 
> installs, by creating a separate applications/ directory for each app, and 
> starting web2py with the --folder option, once for each app. I'm not sure how 
> you'd configure wsgi for this kind of thing, but it'd be easy enough (I 
> think) with mod_proxy.
> > On Aug 17, 4:01 pm, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
> >> Sounds like a bug in exclusive_domain. I'll look at it when I get home 
> >> later.
> >> On Aug 17, 2011, at 12:57 PM, vapirix <vapi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> OR can maybe somebody point me in a different direction to achieve the
> >>> same thing without a hilariously complicated config process that I
> >>> won't want to do every time? =)
> >>> On Aug 16, 5:07 pm, vapirix <vapi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>> So I'm attempting to set up the usage scenario of:
> >>>> domain1.com -> load app 1
> >>>> domain2.com -> load app 2
> >>>> etc. etc.
> >>>> I need domain1 to NOT have access to app 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.
> >>>> That all works using the router's "domain" settings. Obviously you run
> >>>> into the problem of: domain1.com loads app1, but domain1.com/app2
> >>>> loading app2, so I use "exclusive_domain = True", and then I have to
> >>>> do domain1.com/app1/ to load the app without raising an exception,
> >>>> which seems counter productive. Besides that, even with
> >>>> exclusive_domain = True, I can do domain1.com/app2 to load the second
> >>>> app. Is there any way to do what I'm attempting to do here? I'd rather
> >>>> not have to set up separate web2py installs for the tons of tiny apps
> >>>> I do for my clients that get 1 hit every 6 months.
> >>>> What can I do here, friends?

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