On Aug 16, 2011, at 3:07 PM, vapirix wrote:

> So I'm attempting to set up the usage scenario of:
> domain1.com -> load app 1
> domain2.com -> load app 2
> etc. etc.
> I need domain1 to NOT have access to app 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.
> That all works using the router's "domain" settings. Obviously you run
> into the problem of: domain1.com loads app1, but domain1.com/app2
> loading app2, so I use "exclusive_domain = True", and then I have to
> do domain1.com/app1/ to load the app without raising an exception,
> which seems counter productive. Besides that, even with
> exclusive_domain = True, I can do domain1.com/app2 to load the second
> app. Is there any way to do what I'm attempting to do here? I'd rather
> not have to set up separate web2py installs for the tons of tiny apps
> I do for my clients that get 1 hit every 6 months.
> What can I do here, friends?

Please try the current trunk.

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