We did. Over and over. We announced this starting... 1.95 ;-)

On Aug 30, 2011, at 7:20 AM, Phyo Arkar wrote:

> Ok thats good .
> But please announce somewhere that 1.98.2 will break compatbility to
> existing views those are without
> response.generic_patters = ['*']
> On 8/30/11, Massimo Di Pierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
>> This is a security measure.
>> Just add this to your db.py
>>    response.generic_patters = ['*']
>> Massimo
>> On Aug 30, 2011, at 6:46 AM, Phyo Arkar wrote:
>>> heres my call :
>>> http://localhost:8080/sExtract/extraction/listMIME.json?extracted_path=/home/v3ss/workspace-bbb/web2py-clone/applications/sExtract/static/ediscov/testFails/extracted&source_path=/home/v3ss/workspace-bbb/web2py-clone/applications/sExtract/static/ediscov/testFails/source&_search=false&nd=1314704423498&rows=100&page=1&sidx=id&sord=desc&totalrows=1000
>>> Resulting in :
>>> <html><body><h1>invalid view (extraction/listMIME.json)</h1></body></html>
>>> All other .json calls which are not with json RPC fails horribly ,
>>> breaking all my applications.
>>> is that a bug or Feature ?
>>> This will be the last time i updating web2py blindly :(

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