Update --

This problem is variable.  After logging into the admin session,
logging out, closing the browser, and then opening it again the
website seems to add sessions for me even as an unauthenticated user.
Even after opening up a different browser it continued to work.  But
when someone else tries it from a different computer, no session id is
generated and no session information is retained.

I have also tried storing session information in the database with no

-- Joe

On Sep 1, 10:41 am, Joe  Barnhart <joe.barnh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an application where I desperately need to track state while
> users navigate through the site.  For a variety of reasons it is not
> appropriate to force them to sign up, so Auth is turned off.  What I
> am finding is that the variable "response.session_id" takes on a
> unique value with every mouse click and AJAX send!
> Please tell me there is a simple way around this.  This is a very
> critical problem for my new site!
> Warm regards,
> Joe

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