On Sep 1, 2011, at 11:49 AM, Joe Barnhart wrote:

> Cookies and session ids are a bit of "black magic" to me.  I assume
> that web2py handles the setting of the session cookie with the
> associated session id when the page is rendered.  But I have no idea
> if this is right or not.  It certainly is acting as though web2py is
> being contacted without the session cookie and assigning a new one.
> You may be on to something.
> From the jQuery article, I'm not sure how I'd find the original web2py
> cookie and pass it back using my ajax request.  Maybe I would just
> need to create my own and use it instead of web2py's?  But then lose
> the nice automatic session state things web2py does for me.  (After
> all, I use web2py because I'm LAZY!)

I hope someone who has more experience on the Ajax side will chime in here. 

The cookie name is 'session_id_%s' % appname, so you'd want that cookie from 
the current document.

> -- Joe B.
> On Sep 1, 11:38 am, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Sep 1, 2011, at 11:25 AM, Joe Barnhart wrote:
>>> Update --
>>> This problem is variable.  After logging into the admin session,
>>> logging out, closing the browser, and then opening it again the
>>> website seems to add sessions for me even as an unauthenticated user.
>>> Even after opening up a different browser it continued to work.  But
>>> when someone else tries it from a different computer, no session id is
>>> generated and no session information is retained.
>>> I have also tried storing session information in the database with no
>>> difference.
>> Is it possible that the variability you're seeing is caused by your Ajax 
>> requests not setting the web2py session cookie?
>> http://webhole.net/2010/07/10/jquery-cookies-example/
>> (I don't really know what I'm talking about here, so maybe this is handled 
>> elsewhere in the web2py Ajax logic. But the main reason that web2py 
>> generates a new session id is that the request doesn't have a session 
>> cookie.)

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