Basically you default they do nothing. You can take the fields to mean
what you want. You can set them auth.add_persmission(...) and you can
check them auth.has_permission(...) or with decorator

Things change if you set

crud.settings.auth = auth

in this case crud will recognize permissions with names =
'read','create','update','delete', and 'select' on the tables that you
have specified. The record_id is optional. If not set the permission
applied to the entire table. If set the permission applied to the
record only.

Hope this helps. There is not much more to it really.

On Sep 9, 4:31 pm, monotasker <> wrote:
> I'm climbing up the learning curve with web2py (which really isn't
> very steep compared to other tools I've worked with!) and have run
> into something that I can't figure out from the book: the permissions
> system. When I create a "permission" in auth_permissions (using
> appadmin) I don't understand what each of the field values does
> (table? name?). The book seems to skip over this very quickly.
> (I feel compelled to add that the book is the best official
> documentation I've ever seen for an open source project, with nowhere
> near the lag or holes in jQuery or Drupal docs. I bought the pdf
> version because I know the time investment that represents!).
> Ian

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