OK, looks like this has now been fixed in 

On Sunday, September 11, 2011 2:39:17 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
> I don't know when that will be fixed (up to Massimo). Quick simple 
> workaround -- somewhere in a model file after the last table definition (or 
> even in the appadmin.py controller):
> auth.settings.table_permission.table_name.requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_SET(db.tables))
> That will update the validator with the full list of all DB tables, which 
> should then appear in the dropdown. Actually, another option would be to set 
> requires=None, which will then allow you to enter any text at all in the at 
> field (could be a table name, or any other name). Technically, the 
> table_name field is supposed to allow for any objects to be named, not just 
> tables, so that may make the most sense (that's what Massimo was suggesting 
> in his comment on the Google Code issue).
> Anthony
> On Sunday, September 11, 2011 2:25:31 PM UTC-4, monotasker wrote:
>> Thanks Anthony. I notice it's been a few months since that issue was 
>> posted. I realize that changes can't happen overnight, but is there 
>> any sense of when a fix might be released? At the moment this 
>> basically means the (simple and elegant) crud authorization is useless 
>> to me. (I've never learned how to install patches, so I can't easily 
>> use the patch posted on that issue). 
>> Ian 
>> On Sep 9, 11:42 pm, Anthony <aba...@gmail.com> wrote: 
>> > Yes, that issue has been 
>> > reported:http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=349 
>> > 
>> > Anthony 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > On Friday, September 9, 2011 11:13:04 PM UTC-4, monotasker wrote: 
>> > 
>> > > One other thing: When I try to create a new permission (on 
>> > > db.auth_permissions) the selectbox for the "Table name" field isn't 
>> > > showing any of my custom tables. It's only populated with the built in 
>> > > auth tables. Is this the way it's supposed to be? I thought that I 
>> > > could create a permission that links a group name with any table in 
>> > > db. 
>> > 
>> > > Thanks again, 
>> > 
>> > > Ian 
>> > 
>> > > On Sep 9, 6:14 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <mass...@gmail.com> 
>> > > wrote: 
>> > > > Basically you default they do nothing. You can take the fields to 
>> mean 
>> > > > what you want. You can set them auth.add_persmission(...) and you 
>> can 
>> > > > check them auth.has_permission(...) or with decorator 
>> > > > @auth.requires_permission(...). 
>> > 
>> > > > Things change if you set 
>> > 
>> > > > crud.settings.auth = auth 
>> > 
>> > > > in this case crud will recognize permissions with names = 
>> > > > 'read','create','update','delete', and 'select' on the tables that 
>> you 
>> > > > have specified. The record_id is optional. If not set the permission 
>> > > > applied to the entire table. If set the permission applied to the 
>> > > > record only. 
>> > 
>> > > > Hope this helps. There is not much more to it really. 
>> > 
>> > > > On Sep 9, 4:31 pm, monotasker <sco...@gmail.com> wrote: 
>> > 
>> > > > > I'm climbing up the learning curve with web2py (which really isn't 
>> > > > > very steep compared to other tools I've worked with!) and have run 
>> > > > > into something that I can't figure out from the book: the 
>> permissions 
>> > > > > system. When I create a "permission" in auth_permissions (using 
>> > > > > appadmin) I don't understand what each of the field values does 
>> > > > > (table? name?). The book seems to skip over this very quickly. 
>> > 
>> > > > > (I feel compelled to add that the book is the best official 
>> > > > > documentation I've ever seen for an open source project, with 
>> nowhere 
>> > > > > near the lag or holes in jQuery or Drupal docs. I bought the pdf 
>> > > > > version because I know the time investment that represents!). 
>> > 
>> > > > > Ian

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