On Sep 14, 2011, at 11:16 AM, Ross Peoples wrote:

> Normally, I wouldn't use that kind of percentage, except I wanted to 
> highlight the large gap between the two protocols with Auth is used. JSON-RPC 
> calls stay around 56 ms regardless of what I enable or disable in db.py. But 
> for some reason, XML-RPC falls from 45 ms to 18 ms when Auth is disabled. 
> Also keep in mind that the server is not running on the same machine as the 
> test client, so for it to only take web2py 18 ms to respond to XML-RPC 
> requests over the network (when not using Auth), that is awesome, but scares 
> me at the same time.

When you say "with Auth used", that's just creating the auth object in db.py, 
right? Nothing else?

One thing you might try is to dump the request headers at the server end, and 
see if there's any noticeable difference between the JSON and XML cases.

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