On Sep 15, 2011, at 8:04 AM, Ross Peoples wrote:

> The way it is now, the JSON runs first, then the XML. I never interleaved the 
> two because I wanted to keep it simple. I can make the XML run first instead 
> and do another test:
> ==================================
> JSON-RPC Average Time: 59.91 ms
> JSON-RPC Total Time Taken: 10007.80 ms
> XML-RPC Average Time: 21.84 ms
> XML-RPC Total Time Taken: 6201.04 ms
> Result: XML won by: 38.07 ms (274.3% faster)
> No change when I made XML run first, before JSON.

Thanks for the summary, Ross. Comments below.

> ========================
> 1. Auth and JSON-RPC
> -------------------------------------
> This problem stems from enabling Auth:
> auth = Auth(db)
> auth.define_tables()
> Whenever Auth is enabled, the average time per request for XML-RPC and 
> JSON-RPC are about 45 ms and 65 ms, respectively. However, whenever Auth is 
> not enabled, these times change dramatically, but only for XML-RPC. The 
> average time per request for XML-RPC and JSON-RPC is now about 20 ms and 60 
> ms, respectively. The time it takes for JSON-RPC requests to run drops about 
> 5 ms per request, however, the time XML-RPC requests drops by 25 ms (more 
> than half).

Am I correct that pretty much the same thing happens if you turn off the 
define_tables call?

A side note: one table (signatures) gets defined in the Auth() call regardless. 
I didn't see anything else in Auth.__init__ that could account for much time. 
The HMAC key logic by default reads a file from the file system, but presumably 
that's thoroughly cached by the OS.

It's not so surprising that bypassing the Auth logic speeds things up a bit, 
though 25ms seems a bit high for what it's doing. But I can't see any 
explanation for a differential effect between JSON and XML.

> 2. Unicode and JSON-RPC
> ---------------------------------------
> As for the unicode issue, I noticed this as well. I also tried going back to 
> simplejsonrpc, but that also returns strings as unicode. Are unicode strings 
> a requirement of the JSON-RPC protocol?

I don't actually see a problem with this. In contrib.simplejsonrpc we specify a 
charset of utf8 on the content-type header. Just for idle curiosity you could 
try that and get rid of the charset specifier and see if that's the trigger. 
But we actually want that.

What I don't understand is why local strings like web2py_path are unicode under 
JSON but not under XML. 

> 3. SSL and web2py's simplejsonrpc
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Finally, on a note about web2py's simplejsonrpc implementation, it runs much 
> slower over SSL, possibly because it makes a new connection for each request, 
> whereas jsonrpclib and xmlrpclib leave the connection open for subsequent 
> requests.

Yes, that's certainly what's going on. 

The other big performance hit is that 2-3 places in web2py we do this:

import contrib.simplejson as simplejson

That really needs to change to something like this (with corresponding changes 
to the code)

    import json                             # try stdlib (py2.6)
except ImportError:
        import simplejson as json           # try external module
        import gluon.contrib.simplejson as json   # fall back on pure-Python 

The problem is that we need to be using the optimized C libraries when we can 
(that's why XML is faster, I think). But the copy in contrib is pure Python. It 
works, but it's slow.

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