I've not used any of the google api, but if you just need to access
and parse a json formatted api, you would need to use urllib or
urllib2 to make the request, then use simplejson or json or parse the

import urllib
import simplejson

req = urllib.urlopen("http://google.com/api.json";) ##<-example only
my_vars = simplejson.load(req)

Atom should be similar -- urllib to access, then some Atom library to
parse the data.
Google offers their own Python client libraries, so you may want to
look into one of those.  The basic procedure should be the same,

On Sep 15, 5:26 pm, Anaconda <kerwinfra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Its my first time trying to access a webservice/api, would i use
> feedparser in web2py to to make http requests to a google api. They
> return their results in atom and json? I just need some
> guidance.......thanks in advance guys.
> Regards

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