thanks for the reply Eric,I will take a look at the python client
libraries. Is there any web2py examples of making a request to an API
and parsing the returned json?

 Sep 15, 2:55 pm, Eric <> wrote:
> I've not used any of the google api, but if you just need to access
> and parse a json formatted api, you would need to use urllib or
> urllib2 to make the request, then use simplejson or json or parse the
> results:
> import urllib
> import simplejson
> req = urllib.urlopen("";) ##<-example only
> my_vars = simplejson.load(req)
> Atom should be similar -- urllib to access, then some Atom library to
> parse the data.
> Google offers their own Python client libraries, so you may want to
> look into one of those.  The basic procedure should be the same,
> however.
> On Sep 15, 5:26 pm, Anaconda <> wrote:
> > Its my first time trying to access a webservice/api, would i use
> > feedparser in web2py to to make http requests to a google api. They
> > return their results in atom and json? I just need some
> > guidance.......thanks in advance guys.
> > Regards

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