On Sep 16, 2011, at 6:28 PM, Anthony wrote:

> On Friday, September 16, 2011 4:56:17 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> should it just be? 
>         if not self.user: 
>                 if not session._auth_next: 
>                     session._auth_next = URL(args=request.args, 
>                                              vars=request.get_vars)
> Won't the above store the first URL in the app visited by the non-logged-in 
> user in _auth_next? But don't we want it to be the first URL visited that 
> requires login? The user might start at /a/c/index (which doesn't require 
> login) and then go to /a/c/mysite (which does require login, so redirects to 
> the login page), but then would get sent back to /a/c/index instead of 
> /a/c/mysite after login, no?
>         if self.user and session._auth_next and not self.user and 
> session._auth_next.startswith(URL()): 
>             next = session._auth_next 
>             session._auth_next = None 
>             redirect(next)
> How does this improve upon the current _next logic, which limits _next to 
> relative URLs? Doesn't this code only store relative URLs from the current 
> app in _auth_next? Does this have something to do with the possibility of 
> login via CAS, so need to handle _next in __init__() rather than login()?

Be nice to consolidate all this into one set of shared logic, using the session 
instead of the query string, with a uniform way of setting it and redirecting.

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