> Thank you for your interest and quick reply.
> <I was meaning disabling it in:
> <applications/welcome/controllers/appadmin.py
>  Ah! Yes, I could do that,  But I also am able to log in and edit when 
using apache as a server.

<i suspect the webfaction proxy is not passing the correct headers (or is
> <using some other technic) to let uWSGI knows the scheme is https.
 Yes, something like that is the cause.

<This can be easy fixed with a WSGI middleware, but i would like to be sure
> <about it.
Fine I can duplicate an re-duplicate here.  I can insert any code to 
debug/test and am quite prepared to help in anyway. I just need some 
guidance as I am in an area where I have little knowledge (uwsgi).

Thanks again


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