I have a controller that tailors the grid for a table - setting the
fields, query, orderby and args parameters depending on the table
requested. My problem is that the CSV and paginate request formats do
not contain the tablename in request.args or request.vars. So I am
unable to configure my grid when I get a CSV or paginate request.

I could put the tablename in args but that seems a bit untidy. How
does web2py know what to return from csv and paginate requests when it
does not have the tablename? Is it accessible via the _signature

As I understand it these are the request formats used by grid:

/tablename => produces initial grid
/arg1/arg2/new/tablename => for add button
/arg1/arg2/edit/tablename/1 => for edit button
/arg1/arg2/csv?_signature=13d93655641 => for export button
/arg1/arg2?page=2&_signature=e2ad87f2 => for paginate button

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