Thanks for the response,

> There are two problems:
> - do not do print, breaks mod_wsgi
> - do not start threads from an action because the threads are
> controller by the web server and it may kill it.

Good warnings. 

> you should queue the task in database or cache and then run a
> background task

Well actually its function is to queue tasks in redis so a cronjob can excute 

Well it seems I get errors while accessing the database

  File gluon/contrib/pymysql/", line 184, in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
gluon.contrib.pymysql.err.InterfaceError: (0, '')

> .
> If pushing data to redis takes too long it defies the purpose of using
> redis.

Well its collecting the data and combining it in redis that takes time.

> On Oct 9, 11:22 pm, Mike Veltman <> wrote:
> > Ok, I need to push data in a redis database. And my problem is that it
> > takes a while while the data is pushed in. So the screen would be
> > waiting and a user would be irritated.
> > 
> > My solution would be something like this.
> > 
> > if framequeue.check_frame_lock() == False:
> >         if session.deployment == True:
> >             pass
> >         else:
> >             import thread
> >             print session.deployment
> >             print "Running deployment"
> >             thread.start_new_thread(default_frame_deployment,())
> > 
> > So the thread is running in the background and the page displays the log.
> > 
> > But then I get gluon (database) errors in the functions.
> > 
> > Any idea's or is there a better/ more elegant solution to this problem ?
> > 
> > With regards,
> > Mike Veltman

With regards,
Mike Veltman

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