Hi @all,
    I have a small problem with routes.py and the routes_onerror

Basically I have one and only application "mounted" in the webserver
and I'd like to strip the "application" part from all urls.

Leave alone the redirections for static folder, favicon, robots,
sitemap etc, this is done wonderfully setting:

routes_in = (
  ('/(?P<any>.*)', '/appname/\g<any>')

routes_out = (
  ('/appname/(?P<any>.*)', '/\g<any>')

Now, let's say I want to display a simple page instead of the default
error page.

routes_onerror = [
  ('*/*', '/errors/index')

Working perfectly fine this one also.
I created a simple "errors" controller, with an "index()" function in
it, and created a view /errors/index.html.

Request.vars is populated accordingly to the errors, so I can change
the content of the page dinamically, there's only a small problem: if
I try to change the response.status code (if there's a 404 Not Found
it's not "polite" to return a 200 OK status) rewrite kicks in and
loops forever.

Any hints on how to achieve the same result with different parameters,
if this is not a bug ?

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