And I have answer for me

just use extra space :) for hiding
 def func1 ():
    body of function
    return value1

or without extra space is normally visible:
 def func2():
    body of function
    return value2


On Nov 18, 9:35 pm, miroslavgojic <> wrote:
> In controller I have two functions
> def func1():
>    body of function
>    return value1
> def func2():
>    body of function
>    return value2
> In EDIT APPLICATION "NAME" (administrative panel)
> I  see exposes func1,func2
> In my browser I can access to both 
> functionshttp://
> in my browser I need to access only to func1 but not in func2
> Is some other way to make functions, or is just like this and I need
> to use this way for my functions
> Visible functions should be index, contact, ...
> but how to hide some functions for making some calculations from
> direct access from browser.
> Regards
> Miroslav

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