On Monday, November 21, 2011 10:05:02 AM UTC-5, Robert Shaver wrote:
> I guess I misread something. I thought I could download web2py and install 
> it with a built-in web server ... Rocket I think was the name. (I haven't 
> researched Rocket yet.) Are you saying that these features are addressed as 
> part of the server environment and not a defined feature of web2py? (I've 
> always had an admin doing this kind of detail work so I've never had to 
> understand it in detail.)

Rocket is primarily intended for development. You can use it in production 
as well, though for production it is generally recommended you use a more 
full-featured web server, like Apache.

> I should have been more clear about my computer environment ... my 
> assumption was that I would be running web2py on my own dedicated server 
> ... which is what I do now with my projects. My intention is to replace the 
> server/framework I have now with one based on web2py but I want to be sure 
> it has all the features I will need to grow.

If you've got full control over your server, you might consider using one 
of web2py's setup scripts to set up Apache or nginx 

> For example, I want to design all the new web sites to be mobile 
> compatible using responsive page design, which scales smoothly for desktop, 
> tablet and smart-phone screen sizes. Here's a page with many examples of 
> this in production now: http://designmodo.com/responsive-design-examples/

The responsive design stuff is mostly handled client side via CSS media 
queries and Javascript, so that will all work fine with web2py. In fact, 
the next web2py release (due any day now) will include a new responsive 
'welcome' scaffolding app based on Skeleton (http://www.getskeleton.com). 
Here's an initial demo: http://tests.web2py.com/welcome/ (though a few 
tweaks have been made to the final version).

web2py also includes some server-side code to enable detection of mobile 
clients and delivery of alternative output. request.user_agent() gives you 
the user agent details, and request.user_agent().is_mobile tells you if 
it's a mobile client. Also, adding the @mobilize decorator to a function 
changes its view file from function.html to function.mobile.html when the 
request is from a mobile client.


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