Hi Peter,

I'm using Apache and WSGI but this should work the same.

I always run "chown apache:web2py -R" on an new application folder. Apache is the user that Apache is running as and web2py is the user (and group) that WSGI is running as.

It is never good to run anything as root.


I have a linux server (centos)
When I set up my remote server, it works fine with the rocket server.
However when I use uwsgi, it starts as a different user to root, and
root is the owner of the web2py directories. So web2py does not work
because it cannot write to the directories. Does anyone know how I can
get web2py to start via uwsgi such that it is the 'root' user?
(I can get things to work by setting the permissions on everything to
777 but this is clearly not ideal)

Uwsgi is started with /etc/init.d/uwsgi start

I am pretty inexperienced with linux.

My setup is nginx with uwsgi, but no doubt the problem would be the
same with apache or cherokee etc.

Any help appreciated.



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