I managed to transfer a very big app initially developed for
Django+GAE+JQuery Mobile to web2py. Managed to set
up my Eclipse environment to work with web2py and now
I can debug my web2py + GAE hybrid app. Works excellent.

The issues I see is because my app is big it runs slower
than on my former configuration.

After extensive debugging I see web2py executes
in every request the .py files in models folder. Because 
there are a lot of table definitions this slows down execution

Researching what to do I found the following article very useful:
"Optimize your web2py app using the new import method"

Then I learned about custom imports.

I found the following bug in the example above:
In   def define_auth(self):

       db.auth_user.first_name.writable = db.auth_user.first_name.readable 
= False
       db.auth_user.last_name.writable = db.auth_user.last_name.readable 
       auth.messages.verify_password_comment = ''

does not works, but works in init_auth after
       self.auth_def() #the auth definition

Is this is bug in web2py?


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