Another way of looking at it is that the user is presented with views
(or more accurately, HTML rendered from a view by a controller using
the models) but interacts with controllers. Whenever a user clicks on
an application link on a view, the browser sends a request and the
controller handles it by dispatching data to a view and sending not
the view, but rather the rendered HTML. If you have more interactive
websites with javascript and ajax calls, then you are "interacting"
with the rendered HTML or view, but even then AJAX calls to a web2py
app talk to a controller that then sends a response.

I guess it depends on what you mean by "interacts," but from the
Marco's guide, he defines interaction as the HTTP request/response
cycle (e.g. clicking on a link and asking for a resource):

"When John's customers interact with a web2py-application via a
browser, they send a request, which is received by the web server and
passsed on to a controller."

So I think the way he defines it is really best, but it's good to
discuss these things I think.

Anyway, that's just my $0.02.

Good job Marco!

I like the graphics with the "penciled in" arrows. Also I had no idea
you could get a hosted app on fluxflex for free -- that's awesome.

On Dec 21, 12:25 pm, Daniel Aguayo Catalán <>
> escribió:> Should go away, when all dns servers are 
> updated.
> Hi,
> at a diagram that
> try to explain the MVC pattern that says:
> ...but I think it should be as follows:
> ...because user just interact directly with Views and these make the
> request to controllers and/or models. Or am I wrong?

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