I'll try as soon as possible, nice work!


2012/1/13 Mariano Reingart <reing...@gmail.com>

> I'm working on a enhancement to Pdb, wich could be used from a remote
> terminal to any server (and in the near future, with a nice visual
> IDE):
> http://code.google.com/p/rad2py/wiki/QdbRemotePythonDebugger
> Quick steps:
> 1. Download qdb.py (put in web2py modules and in your local folder)
> 2. Add the following line as a breakpoint:
> import qdb; qdb.set_trace()
> 3. In a terminal, run
> python qdb.py
> Open your webpage, when the qdb.set_trace() line is reached, you'll
> see the debugger prompt in your terminal.
> To connect to a remote server, just change addres and password in the
> source file.
> Comments and contributions are welcome ;-)
> Best regards
> Mariano Reingart
> http://www.sistemasagiles.com.ar
> http://reingart.blogspot.com

Profile: http://it.linkedin.com/in/compagnucciangelo

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