I had an email exchange over the last couple of days with a developer at 
Jetbrains who works on PyCharm. The bad news is they've chosen not to work 
on web2py integration any time soon. The even worse news (from my 
perspective) is that they seem to have a very negative impression of the 
web2py community, and this was given as one factor in the decision not to 
make web2py a priority. Now, I think the last thing we need is a flame war 
against PyCharm. It sounds like they've had some legitimately bad 
interactions with a few of the people wanting web2py support (I have no 
idea who). So I think this is a moment to be on our best behaviour.

The good news, though, is that the developer encouraged the development of 
a third-party plugin for web2py support. This isn't something I can take on 
alone right now, but is there any interest from others in forming a team to 
work on one?

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