On Tuesday, February 7, 2012 11:54:59 AM UTC-5, Praveen Bhat wrote:
> Hello,
> The "form" and "records" words appear even after taking off 
> {{=response.toolbar()}} line from generic.html..

Your controller is returning a dict containing "form" and "records" keys -- 
the following generic.html code automatically displays whatever is returned 
by the controller (which is stored in response._vars):

<h2>{{=' '.join(x.capitalize() for x in request.function.split('_'))}}</h2>
{{if len(response._vars)==1:}}
{{elif len(response._vars)>1:}}

Note, the above also automatically generates an H2 heading based on the 
function name. You can remove all that, but then there's not much point in 
having a generic.html view at all (what will it display?).


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