*Movuca goals:*

*Everybody should be able to use it for free*
- Use it for creating sites, blogs and social networks (free or commercial)

*Everybody can sell it as a service*
- Use it to offer Movuca based websites as a service
- Use it for developing websites for customers

*Everybody can extend, create plugins and add functionalities or plug in to
another apps*
- If used to deploy a website for you or client, free or commercial I dont
care about modifications, you can keep it as a secret (because it can have
your own business logic)

*NOBODY can create or offer a commercial or closed source Movuca based
"platform", I mean, you can't take the source code to create and distribute
a "XPTO Social CMS engine"*
- If you want to create it, *you will need to share your source code and

*My personal goals:*

- Offer an open source CMS platform for web2py community.
- Create a community around this solution
- Have many contributors and a lot of people helping to code, document and
improve the project
- I will use it to create sites for my clients and offer this as a service
(anybody will be able to do the same)

I really dont care if big companies do not want to use it because of the
license, this project targets *free-lancers, small companies, open groups
and non-profits*. Big companies, experienced developers and people who want
to raise billions of dollars with software can create their own solutions
(even looking at Movuca code to copy some ideas). My target is not the big
ones, I want to have it as open source, but at the same time protected to
be always open source as a platform (as a product or service I don't care
about the use)

If my goal was to make money with this, I would not released it as open
source, but I really want contributors, feedbacks and I also wanted to
create a good web2py application to be reference for developers and to be
included in the hall of good web2py appliances.

Many people wants create a CMS, I invite everyone to bring their ideas to
Movuca and we can create a killer general purpose CMS.

Which license fits better for this?


Bruno Rocha

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