FreeBSD is the base. And that is the beauty and problem for some with BSD.
All the developers of FreeBSD don't benefit from apple using their code.
But at the same time they are the kind of coders that just are happy
someone is using their code :)

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 11:54 AM, Cliff <> wrote:

> > Well, they are required to include the copyright notice and BSD license
> > with the code, so they can't really pass it off as their own, and they
> > aren't likely to be able to sell it given that it can be downloaded
> freely
> > elsewhere (unless, of course, they make value-added contributions, which
> > presumably would only be paid for if deemed worth the cost).
> Apple seems to be doing OK with OS X.  I don't recall what flavor of
> BSD kernel is at its base, but OS X is BSD with an Apple front end and
> very few Gnu utilities.
> On Feb 8, 9:41 am, Anthony <> wrote:
> > > Well BSD isn't what you want for your goals. BSD allows anyone to
> download
> > > and sell your code as if it was their own.
> >
> > Well, they are required to include the copyright notice and BSD license
> > with the code, so they can't really pass it off as their own, and they
> > aren't likely to be able to sell it given that it can be downloaded
> freely
> > elsewhere (unless, of course, they make value-added contributions, which
> > presumably would only be paid for if deemed worth the cost).
> >
> > Anthony

Bruce Wade

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