> I don't know what is meant by "a lot of people."  But there are some 
> statistics that seem to indicate a lot more people prefer the GPL.  As 
> of June 2009, the GPL licenses accounted for ~ 65% usage.  BSD 
> accounted for 6.3.  Now I realize that's more than 30 months ago, or 
> two centuries in internet years.  Still, I doubt there has been a big 
> swing in the intervening time. 
> You can read more about it here:  
> http://www.blackducksoftware.com/news/releases/2009-06-30 

According to the latest data (
http://osrc.blackducksoftware.com/data/licenses/index.php), there has in 
fact been a trend toward the more permissive licences (i.e., BSD, MIT, 
Apache, etc.), which now account for at least 26% of projects, with GPL 
dropping to only 57%. I think it also varies by type of software -- for 
example, at least in the Python and Ruby web development world, I think 
most frameworks and related tools tend to have permissive licenses like BSD 
and MIT. GPL might be more common for end-user software.


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