You make a good point on the ~1200 strings. The language files are just
python dictionaries, so I don't see any reason why we can't provide paging
so make the file easier to work with.

Sure if you would like to help the more people the better as I think
everyone using web2py would benefit from this. I will create a repository
for an example app we can all work from.


On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 8:50 AM, Niphlod <> wrote:

> uhm, could be interesting. I myself have some problems updating the
> language of an application that has ~1200 strings with the normal admin
> page.
> Having them inside a db would be useful.... but I don't think I'll use the
> "translate directly on the site" feature .... I placed some T()s inside
> javascript function and it could be messy with those :D Also, maybe a
> string found in the template can be "rearranged" by some javascript in the
> DOM... total mess there ;-P
> I was thinking about keeping record of the location where T() was found to
> facilitate keeping track of all the various translated strings (controller,
> modules, views, models, etc), then display the results to willing users.
> Right now it comes to mind that a "recommended translation" system would
> be useful.... let's say I don't know Spanish, but my users do. Once 10
> different users report the same translation for the same string, that is
> "accepted" as the right translation for that string.
> This module will serialize back to languages/*.py files the saved results
> (maybe a function accessible only from admin people)?
> If you need any help I'd be glad to partecipate

Bruce Wade

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