The thread in this mailing list with the subject "*model less apps (a blog
example)"  *and some other remarks about using model-less applications for
better speed and memory usage is the background of this email.I would be
glad if the guidelines (not necessarily recipes) on this can become part of
the official Web2py documentation.

I am working on a long term app which currently have 93 tables in the
database.  The database will develop into a multilevel database with many
more tables and in the end probably several millions or records.

I have started to migrate some of the less used tables to modules and it is
working in the normal app, but I have problems with appadmin as I have
described in the thread I refer to in the first paragraph.  Even in Bruno's
blog example using appadmin produces tickets.

This is because web2py was not originally designed for this type of setup.

So my request is:

If the way to go for large databases (many tables) is to move the table
definitions to modules, please make it  part of the Web2py design, adapt
appadmin to handle it and provide official documentation about it.

Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

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