Hi all, I have a newbie question regarding the cascade delete of referenced 
database entries. Basically, I have these two tables:
tab = DAL('sqlite://tab.sqlite')
                 Field('test_id', 'integer', required=True, default=''), 
                 Field('test_pid', 'integer', ondelete='NO ACTION'), 
                 Field('test_id', tab.tests, requires=IS_IN_DB(tab, 
tab.tests.test_id, '%(test_id)s'), ondelete='CASCADE'), 

and I want web2py to create SQLite tables tests and test_counts. 
Test_counts should reference "test_id" field from the tests table and 
whenever the test entry with the corresponding test_id is deleted the 
appropriate rows in test_counts should be deleted as well, but it doesnt 
work that way and I am unable to find a solution either using my knowledge 
or google as well.

Thanks in advance for any answer, Jan 

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